Viktor Rempel alias Viktorious


Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013

"Mentors" the importance of a Mentor

The importance of a Mentor/Adviser/Guider/Pastor/counselor/Coach/Sheppard/Father

I'm really thankful for my Mentor, without her i would struggle very hard and had no results in life. My Mentor believed in me, when no one did it. My Mentor invested her precious time, Energy, love, nerves and even money to help me to become the man I am now. Thanks for her big patience with me, because I’m still learning from her and sometimes it’s not easy. So I want to share what successful people all have. 

Now I’m asking you, do you have a Mentor/Adviser/Guider/Pastor/Counselor/Coach/Sheppard? If yes, it is a big Bonus. If no, you need one. For example it could be a Parent, friend, uncle, Teacher, Coach, it don’t matter who he is, what matters how he guides you through your crisis/challenges.
 If you say I do not have or need a mentor, it’s because you don’t analyze yourself. A lot people take cheap advice from poor friends, TV, Opinion’s and own experiences. So choose carefully whose advice you follow to make it in life.

Why do I need one? It’s simple; everybody on this earth has a crisis from time to time or has Goals/plans that stuck from time to time or has an ambitious dream what stuck, and in this times good advice is very precious and rare. In that stressful time, when our focus lacks, we can’t sleep, find the right way, the right words, our emotions overwhelm our brain and we limited in our thinking and balance; the mentor can breathe new life into us. Like give us a new strategy, new way, new thought, encouragement, the right advice and push us back into our right balance or inspire us to reach for our dream.  

The main task of a Mentor is to give his knowing, experience, wisdom, shelter encouragement or help to guide you to your Goal/success/grow/. That you don’t have, because you’re limited in that area.
How to find a good mentor? First you have to know what you want (in life/goals/plans/needs) and chose someone who achieved what you want. For example, if you want to become financial independent, ask a man who it is. Whatever it is you want; ask someone who achieved it or is on his way to get it. I mean someone who has your respect and you looking at to become like him.
I think I don’t have to write what a bad so called mentor can do. Everybody felt betrayal from some people in his life. From People who couldn’t handle our needs/Goals, for whatever it was, so they sticked their knife into our backs and let us bleeding on the ground. I had them too, so when you found a trustworthy mentor/friend, never let them go.

A short list what a good mentor does;
+ Good mentors tell you the truth, even if it’s not nice to hear and hurts. When they care about you they tell you always the truth. Give feedback. Never degrade/jokes on you or your feelings. That changes you.
+ Good mentors always challenge/encourage and discipline you to stretch out for more.
+ Good mentors don’t wait for our thanks and deal with our unthank fullness victim outburst, from time to time.  
+ Good mentors always care about your personally soul balance and help you to grow big. They’re always there when you need them.
+ Good mentors teach/teach you the right values, principles, lessons and take care you learn it with discipline. So you can become like they are or even grow higher, someday you become a mentor for someone. They invest themselves with time, energy, patience and love into others.
I had the luck to grow with my mentor. She helped me to realize my potential as an Actor. Then she helped me to find the right direction and to stay now on it. Without her my life had been very hard and I don’t try to imagine where I would be right now without her. For me personally she’s like Alexander the Great, Napoleon, I have big respect for her and every word she saying is like God himself talking to me.

Keep in mind everybody needs a good mentor, counselor. It makes Life easier if you listen and do what they say nothing less or more. So simple!

Greetz from Viktorious

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