Viktor Rempel alias Viktorious


Samstag, 11. Mai 2013

Stepping outside our comfort zone

Comfort Zone

Today i heard a lesson about crisis in our lives and without crisis we slide into our comfort, what kills us over a long term when we stay in our comfort.
Everybody on this earth heard the word comfort zone before. I heard it too. So i ask now again, what is comfort zone? Comfort zone is not only like a lot of people think; sitting on a couch and drinking beer, watching TV, go from Monday till Friday to work, Friday till Sunday party and then the week starts again. That isn’t comfort anymore, that’s a slave living or a prisoner. Let’s return to our comfort zone. It is more like a daily Routine, like drive always the same route to work, go always to the same supermarket, and meet the people I know for long time, daily habits, and thoughts. Everything what held our mind in status quo, relaxed, ambitionless and everything what gives us the feeling of security is our comfort zone.  Someone says now; that’s how i life, I love that kind of living. Or i don’t want to do everyday something new, or that is the best route to work or I don’t want to reach the sky.

In fact; Comfort zone is a sense of mental security. Everybody on this planet dreams about security, relaxation, peace and harmony, but the danger here is, you can never reach full security. For example the billionaires; they have a lots of money, but they are still stretching themselves to new projects. Or great Actors like Paul Newman, James Dean, Steve McQueen; they all made professional car driving beside their big Acting career. They pushed themselves out from comfort. Why?
Because they all know/knew it’s deadly for our growing, to life in the comfort zone. That’s why we need high goals for a years or months to achieve, something what stretches or helps us to step over our self-created comfort borders. If you do it not yourself, than life does (wife, Boss, Health, money issue) sends you crisis and you are forced to react on. 
All our Goals, dreams and visions in life start out of our comfort zone (the reason it’s called dreams). So if you want step outside your comfort zone you have to know exactly what you want and then jump into the cold water. Highly effective People are used to step outside their comfort zones to accomplish their goals. They even create crisis to solve them and doing so, they grow personally.
Comfort Zone is the enemy of success and growing personally. It is like muscle training, you have to start little and lift up the weights. If you stop your training, your muscle grows back after a period of time.

The longer you stay in your comfort, the harder it’s to break out. 

Never forget, if you stop stretching yourself, through high goals, new things, ideas, new habits, you open the door for degradation and it starts in your mind.

greetz from Viktorious

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