Viktor Rempel alias Viktorious


Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013

Focus like a Tiger

Eyes of the tiger

  Focus on your Goals

I saw two days ago a box fight. Klitschko vs. Pinieta. I sit in front of the TV and watched the show. Then came the scene with the national hymns before the fight. The camera moved to the Eyes of Pinieta and I saw his eyes went wild, had no focus. His Body Language was not clear. Then came Klitschkos moment and his eyes have been high focused, I could see the tiger gets in position for the fight. He was in his own world waiting to get knocked out his opponent. I saw his eyes for seconds, but It was enough to know he wins the fight, he didn’t hear the music, didn’t see the crowd, he saw only his goal; knock out Pinieta, for him it was a fight on Life and death.  I saw all that in 2 seconds of Klitschko’s face and when I told it to my father, he discovered it too.
The other guy had the goal to knock out klitschko too, but his focus was not only on his goal, I do not know what was on his mind, but he was not focused enough. 

Focus is very precious when you have a goal. Without focus, you can have the best training, knowing, resource’s, relationships and connections, but you miss your goal. Everybody knows that we life in a fast time, we have obligations and responsibly and we lose our focus on these shouting distractions. Focus helps us to keep our goal in front of us, when obstacles rise beside us to get our attention and to distract. Great people have the focus of a tiger, to blend out all useless and unworthy stuff and to reach to the goal, like a tiger. Like a Cat focused on the mouse, the cat blends everything out, you can call her, scream, but her full attention is on the mouse, her whole body, eyes is filled with the energy to get the mouse. That is the focus of the tiger. 

You can take it on every Area of life. Business, School, health, wealth, Relationships, whatever it is you want. If you create the focus of a tiger, you get your goal for sure. 

For example; Einstein/ Edison/ Klitschko/ Tiger Woods/ Waren Buffett/ Christiano Ronaldo…
They all had a clear Goals like; new formula, invention called light, win a fight or trophy, make money, score a goal. And they blend all distractions of daily life out and focused on their goal. All  of them for example spend more time in the closed room, workshop, Business room and gym and get prepared for the Goal. Of course they had obligations like family, daily obligations, friends and so on, but they minimized it as possible. To stay focused. Even when they went shopping, toilet, eating, friends, their mind is on their goal. That is the focus of a tiger. 

If you can create that focus of the tiger on your goals and get your distractions low or blend them out, you get your goal for sure.

Greetz from Viktorious

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