Viktor Rempel alias Viktorious


Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013

Why always me?

Why always me? 


How to ask right, to change your life.  

Why always me? Why happens it only me? Why can’t I do that? Why do I struggle all the time? Why hits it me? Why can he do it and I don’t? Why i have no money? Why I have no friends? Why do i have to struggle all the time? Why, Why, Why, Why...

Does someone know this kind of Questions? A lot of People in our society and me too, ask this kind of Question, why, all the time? 

What answer comes automatically in mind when you ask yourself, why hits it me? Why is it my fault? Why, Why...

I discovered when I ask myself this kind of Questions, my brain starts to search for an excuse. He gives me a good logical reason why it’s so hard, why it hits me and not the other guy. I find plenty of reasons why I’m the victim. The brain works in the wrong direction!

The problem is, why does not change my life/ future or situation and makes it even harder when i ask why. So the question pops up, what is the right method  to ask the right Question, when all the blame hits me, when it pushes me on the knee and gives me no space to breathe? 

The right Question is in the beginning; "What" or "how" can I change this situation? How can I act to not be blame for? What can I do get up? What can I change to get less hits/ blame/ pressure? How can i make more money? What can i do to get more money?

The thing is "What" and "how" are the right beginning to ask, because they help us to think for a solution. They help us to realize what it needs to be done, to change, to stop, to get the wanted result.  The brain focus here on the solution for the problem.

Try it the next time when obstacles/Pressure/ blame hits you, to ask yourself "how" or "what" can I change. These two words help us to get ready for the right answers and left us no room for self-pity or victim mentality.  I tried these two words and the answers have been mind-blowing. 

Just try it the next time you want to ask yourself why? Start to think: What or How; can this be done, can I change; It helps you to focus on the goal! 

Wish you all a great blessed day! 
Greetz Viktorious

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