Viktor Rempel alias Viktorious


Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013

Why always me?

Why always me? 


How to ask right, to change your life.  

Why always me? Why happens it only me? Why can’t I do that? Why do I struggle all the time? Why hits it me? Why can he do it and I don’t? Why i have no money? Why I have no friends? Why do i have to struggle all the time? Why, Why, Why, Why...

Does someone know this kind of Questions? A lot of People in our society and me too, ask this kind of Question, why, all the time? 

What answer comes automatically in mind when you ask yourself, why hits it me? Why is it my fault? Why, Why...

I discovered when I ask myself this kind of Questions, my brain starts to search for an excuse. He gives me a good logical reason why it’s so hard, why it hits me and not the other guy. I find plenty of reasons why I’m the victim. The brain works in the wrong direction!

The problem is, why does not change my life/ future or situation and makes it even harder when i ask why. So the question pops up, what is the right method  to ask the right Question, when all the blame hits me, when it pushes me on the knee and gives me no space to breathe? 

The right Question is in the beginning; "What" or "how" can I change this situation? How can I act to not be blame for? What can I do get up? What can I change to get less hits/ blame/ pressure? How can i make more money? What can i do to get more money?

The thing is "What" and "how" are the right beginning to ask, because they help us to think for a solution. They help us to realize what it needs to be done, to change, to stop, to get the wanted result.  The brain focus here on the solution for the problem.

Try it the next time when obstacles/Pressure/ blame hits you, to ask yourself "how" or "what" can I change. These two words help us to get ready for the right answers and left us no room for self-pity or victim mentality.  I tried these two words and the answers have been mind-blowing. 

Just try it the next time you want to ask yourself why? Start to think: What or How; can this be done, can I change; It helps you to focus on the goal! 

Wish you all a great blessed day! 
Greetz Viktorious

Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013

Affirmation Part 2; talking to success

Words of truth; affirmation part two;

Affirmation is a declaration or programming of your unconscious mind for a certain reality that doesn’t exist today, but becomes it tomorrow. 

Today its gona be about words we speak about ourselves, our future and our obstacles. Not everybody knows that our words have invisible Power, energy and pull what we say in existence. Our tongue is a weapon, we have the ability to destroy; the people around us, our future and our happiness or we have the power to build up; to lift the spirits of people up, to build our future. 

The bible says our tongue is like a small wheel/oar that directs big ships. So is our Tongue. With our small tongue we direct our whole life, if you say negative and bad words about your life, future, dreams or people your life goes exactly in this direction. When you do the opposite and say positive and good things about yourself, future, dreams or Life, your life moves that direction. 

Everybody has to learn to control his tongue, sometimes the negative word coming up like a volcano and you have the feeling if you don’t say it, you regret it, but the fact is; when you speak negative words about yourself or others in an bad emotion, it becomes a double bomb that destroys your future. 

For example; everybody bumped his toe on a chair/rock/Step/… and what is the reaction of most people? Stupid chair and the curses flying out. It gets worse when someone say these words on others or himself. For example, I’m stupid, I have to left hands, I’m never gonna make it…  Everybody knows this situation and people who speak badly about themselves. The people around such persons treat them (unknown) exactly this way, like they say about themselves. 

The secret is; what we tell ourselves daily, that’s gonna happen, that’s gonna become our reality, Future, Life. Our Unconscious mind is like a computer, it saves everything what we tell ourselves and it pulls it into our Life. So if there’s more negative than positive than that comes into your life. 

Start today with your right affirmation and tell yourself in a great emotion; I can do …./ I’m a magnet for Money/  I’m the best ….. the world has ever seen/ I’m a sunshine… 

Feet your unconscious mind with good and positive words and you see it changes your life. If you poor, say I am rich! If you weak, say I am strong! If you stupid, say I am Smart! If you ugly, say I am beautiful! If you sick, say I am healthy! If you losing, say I am winning! If you feel bad, say I feel very good! …

Create a List with your daily positive affirmations and start readig it loud in the morning, Evenning and during the Day!

Don’t forget; in which direction our tongue goes, our whole future, Life and Energy goes with! Like a huge ship! It is directed by a small ship oar. Or a huge Air plane, its directed by a small wheel in the cockpit. 

Never forget words have the power and energy to make happen what you tell yourself. 

Wish you all a great blessed day!

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013

Affirmation Part 1; Thoughts to success

Think yourself to success; Affirmation Part 1

Affirmation; is a declaration that something is true. They are you being in conscious control of your thoughts. They are short, powerful statements. When you say them or think them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. Affirmations are your conscious thoughts.

Everything we are today is the result of what we thought, told and believed about ourselves. It is that information declared so long till we believed this information, till it gets a part of us. Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. That’s about 150 to 300 thoughts a minute. Research has also shown that for most people 80% of those thoughts are negative.

When we tell ourselves certain information over and over again, we start to feel that way, it starts to become a part of us, and it gets our attention and focus. We gonna be the fruit of the thought we think all the time of. 

So it’s in our thoughts, what we think about ourselves and situations that comes in our lives. No matter it is positive, negative, stupid or mind-blowing. Whatever we think the most of, that has our full focus and on that we move. 

Our thought determine where we going. Where your thoughts are, there you are going. Make a test and write it down what you think about/how you think about it all day long and which direction and the speed your life is moving. 

Our thoughts control our mode, our body, our radiation, our energy. Negative thoughts about yourself/ life bring a dark and negative mode. It starts with a negative mode and when you think long enough about it, you start to believe it and this information starts to work in your life.
For example; if you think that most of the time you’re a pig and you deserve to be punished. You gonna Act, think like a pig and the people around you gonna treat you that way, because of your energy. 

On the other hand when you think good about yourself, it starts with a good mode/energy and if you do it long enough you start to believe these thoughts and the information start to make your life brighter and be a part of you. If you think you deserve luck, you are the best, you can make everything dirt to gold, than after a period of time you gonna act, feel, think that way and the people discover it too. 

Here comes the big secret/tool now; you can use this tool to change something bad/unwanted/weakened in yourself into something the way you want it for yourself. For example; I’m the best sportsman, I’m fast, I’m strong, I’m unstoppable/ I’m a great businessman, the people love me, they love my product/ I’m a great student, I learn fast, I’m smart…especially when you feel today as the biggest  loser/ slave/ nobody in the world and it seems that it stays that way forever. If you change your thoughts into positive and think it over and over, there comes the moment you start to believe it deep down in you, even if in reality it isn’t true. You gonna act that way and pull it into your life, than it becomes a reality. Because what you think about the most of, that direction you move. Of course you have to do it a longer period of time, before it becomes your nature, especially when it’s a negative you want to change to a positive. It’s not like you thought two days in a row and blink here is your result. 

So start to think you can do (what it is) good and see how it becomes a reality in your life. Use big, positive words in your mind for your talents, your look, you as a person and you see how it gonna work.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Napoleon Hill

Never forget; with our thoughts we create our Future/Life. Our believes in ourselves depend on the way we think about ourselves.  

Our life is always a result of our dominating thoughts!   S. Kierkegaard

Greetz Viktorious