Viktor Rempel alias Viktorious


Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Mind, Power & Success

Great Video from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

To be honest, i was never a huge fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, but what he achieved is awesome.
Just don't look the video and say yeah that is Arnie. Try to learn from him, he gives here some of his tools he used to achieve what he planed for his life.

Wish you all great success and many God’s blessings for the week. 


Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013

Steve Jobs tool for great success!!!!

What a great tool... if used right!!

I use this tool for a few Days and its working. It helps me to focus on my goals and to be not satiesfied with the results in my life. It pushes me from the status quo to my goal. I look in the Mirror and say to myself Viktor im not pleased with my life for the moment... i do not like it. And i do it since a quite time. The result is, it started to work in my mind.

Everybody knows how much Steve Jobs achieved in his short Lifetime and if we use his good principles, we can also achieve great things in a short period of time. We can become also a genius in our area of business, Life.

The main thing is; to do what you love. How can you have success in something you hate. So if you are doing something you hate, you have no chance for success and happiness in life.You have to ask yourself is that thing something for the moment or is it permanent and destructive for me.

Hope you all learn to use your life for something big and do not waste it on small things like go shopping, paying bills, go work, go eat, go sleep, watch TV, stupid talks or gossips... life is precious dont waste it. Our Days are counted and we have to use our brain + Questions to change ourself.

wish you all a great blessed Day


Dienstag, 27. August 2013

Action minded person

Become Action minded person.

I’m writing about to be an action thinker. What is an action minded thinker. This people do not think about it, the do it. 

For example, everybody knows the allegory about the half-filled glass of water. The negative minded person would say its half empty; the positive minded would say its half full and now comes the clue, an action minded Person would say how I can fill this glass again, what I can do to fill it up and here he starts to act. The two other Guys before think only about it. 

First; it starts with one or two goals you want to accomplish or a need to be solved.
Action thinker set every year goals to accomplish. 365 Days to accomplish one to three goals for this year. It can be things like learning a new Language, become a certain expert, special skill, dance skills, more money income, driving license, how to use a computer, talk better, dress better, get in beach shape, bad habit to overcome… set some goal.

Second; they see the big Picture/vision and not the urgent needs. How it’s gonna look like finally in the end and not the urgent needs that puts the pressure on us to do it urgently. Our whole life is surrounded by the urgent needs. Someone needs you, something has to be fast done, a call here, a long meeting with friends there and in the End you have nothing big accomplished.  The Problem about the urgent need is; when your day is gone, you lying in your bed you gonna be judged not by the urgent needs you mastered. The many minutes on the phone, buying, running around or whatever it was. You gonna be judged by what do you have big accomplished today/month/year/Life. 

Time is very precious and we all have the same time, 24 hours a day, 365 Days a year, someone gets great things accomplished and someone gets nothing great done. If that drives you angry, use it the right way against poverty, stupidity, laziness, bad health and not the people around you, please. Anger is a powerful emotion and used the right way it can help us a lot. Smart people never use their anger fighting against other people, is the taxi cab driver worth all your emotions, is it helping you to 
 accomplish your goal? Not smart people put all their frustrations and blame on others around them.  

Third; commit to progress and not activity. That afterwards you can say I didn’t know how to do it, but now I know, or I couldn’t do it and now I can do it. That is progress. Activity is running busy around, talking much and getting no/small results from it.
For Example, I learned French, Russian, Chinese, Language and now I can talk these Language or I can write fast on the computer, or I can fight/defend myself, or can dance now the tango, or i get my business paycheck higher, or i become a good trained expert in this area. Whatever it is you can say; now I can do it or now I have it. 

Fourth; focus on how to do it and not on what to do.
The most know what is wrong, but it’s difficult to know how to fix it. It always easy to know/find what is wrong, so think how to make a better life instead. The economy is bad, the politic is not so good, but by the end of the day, you still have to do some choices yourself to determine how your life is going to be. Has it to become a better or not better life. It doesn’t depend on the economy, the politic.
For example I listen a lot to students in the subway and most of the time their complaining about problems, like; the bad teachers, bad conditions there in, finances and rare on what they want to become, how much money they want to earn, how great their life is going to be.

Don’t forget, every problem has a solution. So don’t spend your time like everybody knowing what problem we have. Be one of the guys with the idea of how you gonna fix it, how you gonna make it. Blaming is easy, but taking responsibility, think and start to action, is in the beginning hard.    

Wish you all the best. Have all a great God blessed Day.

Montag, 19. August 2013

Will Smith shares his secret.

Running & Reading.

Watch this short speech!!!

Why are both so important for each of us?

First running. Running helps us to motivate, to push ourselves to above the Limit, it gives us daily winnings, it helps our body to get in shape and to feel happy. If you learn to push yourself, to motivate, to focus on the finish line, keep running and to step over the voice in your head.
Like: stop now, you ain’t make it, it’s too hard, you so weak, you’re tired, it’s boring, your muscle hurt, come on take a break, slow down. If you learn to step on this little lazy, fearful, comfort used not believing- not trusting yourself voice in your head, you also learn to step on this voice in any area in life, because you get used to it. You learn to trust in yourself, you learn to push yourself a little bit more from day to day, you learn to go the extra mile, you learn to motivate you, to focus on the finish, to blend every pain out, to blend any distraction out and you experience how you grow as a Person, Sportsman.

Second Reading. Reading doesn’t mean some sort of Drama/Thriller/Love story/Philosophy etc. It means read books that can help you to change your small world, that open or wider your horizon. That can be a Biography of an impressive Personality of any area, which can be a business book, that can be the oldest and bestseller book in the world the bible. Will says there is no problem in this world new and that is correct. So find the answers you need in the books. Don’t read just to read, please. Search for solutions, search for the nuggets, search for the principles, read to learn and then start to do it in your life. 

If you do like he says, you will see some tremendous changes in your life. Like it is written in the Bible. “He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much.” Luke 16:10 Amplified. You can also take it as, if you do this little thing every day, it comes the day when you see the big fruits of your labor and on the other side, if you doesn’t learn to do the small things right, you never get the chance for the big things.  

Wish every reader the best and many God’s blessings

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013

Why always me?

Why always me? 


How to ask right, to change your life.  

Why always me? Why happens it only me? Why can’t I do that? Why do I struggle all the time? Why hits it me? Why can he do it and I don’t? Why i have no money? Why I have no friends? Why do i have to struggle all the time? Why, Why, Why, Why...

Does someone know this kind of Questions? A lot of People in our society and me too, ask this kind of Question, why, all the time? 

What answer comes automatically in mind when you ask yourself, why hits it me? Why is it my fault? Why, Why...

I discovered when I ask myself this kind of Questions, my brain starts to search for an excuse. He gives me a good logical reason why it’s so hard, why it hits me and not the other guy. I find plenty of reasons why I’m the victim. The brain works in the wrong direction!

The problem is, why does not change my life/ future or situation and makes it even harder when i ask why. So the question pops up, what is the right method  to ask the right Question, when all the blame hits me, when it pushes me on the knee and gives me no space to breathe? 

The right Question is in the beginning; "What" or "how" can I change this situation? How can I act to not be blame for? What can I do get up? What can I change to get less hits/ blame/ pressure? How can i make more money? What can i do to get more money?

The thing is "What" and "how" are the right beginning to ask, because they help us to think for a solution. They help us to realize what it needs to be done, to change, to stop, to get the wanted result.  The brain focus here on the solution for the problem.

Try it the next time when obstacles/Pressure/ blame hits you, to ask yourself "how" or "what" can I change. These two words help us to get ready for the right answers and left us no room for self-pity or victim mentality.  I tried these two words and the answers have been mind-blowing. 

Just try it the next time you want to ask yourself why? Start to think: What or How; can this be done, can I change; It helps you to focus on the goal! 

Wish you all a great blessed day! 
Greetz Viktorious

Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013

Affirmation Part 2; talking to success

Words of truth; affirmation part two;

Affirmation is a declaration or programming of your unconscious mind for a certain reality that doesn’t exist today, but becomes it tomorrow. 

Today its gona be about words we speak about ourselves, our future and our obstacles. Not everybody knows that our words have invisible Power, energy and pull what we say in existence. Our tongue is a weapon, we have the ability to destroy; the people around us, our future and our happiness or we have the power to build up; to lift the spirits of people up, to build our future. 

The bible says our tongue is like a small wheel/oar that directs big ships. So is our Tongue. With our small tongue we direct our whole life, if you say negative and bad words about your life, future, dreams or people your life goes exactly in this direction. When you do the opposite and say positive and good things about yourself, future, dreams or Life, your life moves that direction. 

Everybody has to learn to control his tongue, sometimes the negative word coming up like a volcano and you have the feeling if you don’t say it, you regret it, but the fact is; when you speak negative words about yourself or others in an bad emotion, it becomes a double bomb that destroys your future. 

For example; everybody bumped his toe on a chair/rock/Step/… and what is the reaction of most people? Stupid chair and the curses flying out. It gets worse when someone say these words on others or himself. For example, I’m stupid, I have to left hands, I’m never gonna make it…  Everybody knows this situation and people who speak badly about themselves. The people around such persons treat them (unknown) exactly this way, like they say about themselves. 

The secret is; what we tell ourselves daily, that’s gonna happen, that’s gonna become our reality, Future, Life. Our Unconscious mind is like a computer, it saves everything what we tell ourselves and it pulls it into our Life. So if there’s more negative than positive than that comes into your life. 

Start today with your right affirmation and tell yourself in a great emotion; I can do …./ I’m a magnet for Money/  I’m the best ….. the world has ever seen/ I’m a sunshine… 

Feet your unconscious mind with good and positive words and you see it changes your life. If you poor, say I am rich! If you weak, say I am strong! If you stupid, say I am Smart! If you ugly, say I am beautiful! If you sick, say I am healthy! If you losing, say I am winning! If you feel bad, say I feel very good! …

Create a List with your daily positive affirmations and start readig it loud in the morning, Evenning and during the Day!

Don’t forget; in which direction our tongue goes, our whole future, Life and Energy goes with! Like a huge ship! It is directed by a small ship oar. Or a huge Air plane, its directed by a small wheel in the cockpit. 

Never forget words have the power and energy to make happen what you tell yourself. 

Wish you all a great blessed day!