Once in a while i found myself lacking with a creativity block.. It is hard to think, to find something super or mind-blowing.. ideas are hard to find!! (Mean good heavy Ideas)
What helps is a little Idea-book I keep in my pocket (was in the video shown), because here I can write down all my ideas I get! Especially at work or in some busy fast place with no time to think. I painfully discovered during the day we get a lot good ideas, but we forget it, when we don’t write it down.It is proven we get one big hit idea everyday- a Idea what has the potential to make more Money/get success/grow Higher/whatever you want to achieve or posses. If we take the idea and work it out!
I used to think, OK, this I idea is impossible, but here is the problem. Today it is maybe impossible!! But Tomorrow is it possible, how can I do it, when I’m not ready- so I’m ready for any Idea to write it down and to stay creative :D
For example, oh in the passage would be a Muffin shop great!! OK, today it is a little bit "Crazy"- there’s no experience, no... no... no... But this Idea has the potential to bring tomorrow great results, because I work on it!!
Like my Uncle and Mentor said today to me; the world is full of money, it's everywhere, you have to get out with a great Idea and take it!!!!!
Wish you all a great sunny and God blessed Day
Stay all Viktorious