Viktor Rempel alias Viktorious


Montag, 14. Juli 2014

Motivate yourself through the future


Everybody in the world needs from time to time motivation. Esspecially when you have a hard time, tough moments and lack of hope. Than motivation its needed, because it lifts up your spirit and helps you to step over! To move on & on.

But my problem is; how can i get motivated by myself? I read motivating books, i was on meetings and the speakers talked with passion and fire for hours, but all this motivation was great, but never lasted longer than 2 Days. And when it was needed in an Grey moody Day, was all the fire gone and here i was...Alone, and away from any motivation.

I asked often, how does it the football player,Boxer,Dancer,... they perform on high levels and how can they motivated them self to be always on top?OK, they have a Manager.

Till yesterday when the Great Businessman Peter Daniels told a secret Key in Motivation

"To be/get motivated you have to look into the Future!!" 

This is a powerful tool! Because you can motivate yourself in minutes, by looking into your future and see everything you wanna have accomplish!!!

A lot people (i was one of them) wait for someone to motivate them, to inspire, to en-light the fire for whatever it is, the Problem is; this people often don't come and we are sitting with our goals/dreams on dry rocks.

Isn't it much easier to look into the future and to see, what you gonna achieve in 1,2-5 Years. This gives hope, wow i can be that, i can do it. I see my bright future, i see myself. And the thing i can do it myself, i do not need someone anymore to talk hours good words to get me in the mood for getting up.

I love this easy tool, because it helps me to reach out for more.
Hope you can use it. Wish you all Gods Blessings and a sunny Day

I'm my biggest potential and my biggest enemy!

I'm my biggest potential and my biggest enemy!

I'm the biggest potential i have for success. Nobody else can do it for me, nothing else can be better used than my potential.

My biggest Enemy is myself.
My retarded and limited Beliefs, my doubts, my stupidness, my comfort loving laziness, my unbelief in myself, my wrong emotions, my misuse of the time, Fears, my procrastination in all ares can be my Enemy on the road to success.

Nothing can stop or limit myself better and high effectively like i can do it myself!!

There is no need for a secret Weapon, witchcraft, big obstacles, Limits, Boundaries, to break me! I can do it myself in few seconds.
The real power lays in myself and my belief what i can/will do/become.
The only Question is what I'm willing to sacrifice to become great and get my result!