Viktor Rempel alias Viktorious


Montag, 24. Juni 2013

Thoughts that make your Day bright

The thoughts that change your life.

The question is; what is your first thought when you wake up in the morning? Ask it yourself; what is the first thought that comes in mind, when i open my eyes? 

That is a serious question.

The first thought in the morning makes our day, makes our future.
Here are some examples what we most think in the morning; how tired I am/ make plans for the day (has to be done the day before)/ a huge problem arise in front of me again/ oh no, I have to do this and that/ I want to eat/ what time is it/ oh no not so early/ night was to short/ my Head is cracking/ toilet/ I have to do that/ no i hate this day/ not again/ let me sleep.  
The secret here is; how your thoughts start in the morning; so your day/life becomes.

Let us make a test; 

-        - The next morning watch what comes on your mind when you get up, it can be something from my list or you have something new and after that analyze how your day was. 

-        - The second day when you wake up; thank God you heart is still beaten /think how great this day is going to be/ how ready you are to win and smile for a second, especially when you don’t feel to smile. In the evening analyze how your day went. I discovered when I start my day with thanks to God, thanks for my health, for a new day, for new opportunities, than I feel positive energy for the whole day and my day is big fun.

-         - The third day when you wake up, think the opposite to the second day and watch how your day went. Here I discovered how the day past by and I was to slow to catch it, too tired. The Day was brutal and I had great defeats.

The secret here is in the first thought of the day. The first thought build your day, it makes your day. The first thought gives the direction for the day; it could be a bright day or a hard cloudy day with many defeats. So watch carefully what you think when you wake up, it becomes your energy for the day/ for your life and your future depends on it.

If you know this secret and live by it. You gonna see how your life is going to change. We all know; as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. And so his life is gonna be.  

I wish all of you readers a great weak up in the morning, great sunshine thoughts and many blessings
Greetz Viktorious

Montag, 17. Juni 2013

Inspirational words by Rocky Balboa

"Aint about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."

Watch these clip and think about his wise words. Everytime i watch these clip it hits me.

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!"

His words explain themselves. What great and motivational words for business, sport, any problem or goal. Never stay permanent on the ground, even if you fell down, get up no matter how hard and painfull it is, because the reward/winning is close. 

I hope you listen to his words and wish you a great successful day


Dienstag, 11. Juni 2013

Become a man of character/value

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. Albert Einstein.
This Quote was till a few days a big quest for me. I always thought why is being a man of success so bad? Success is good and there aren’t much men of success out there. Then I thought about what is a man of value? The longer I thought about it, the more it opened up for me. Then I was in the movie theatre and saw the brand new movie fast & furious 6 where I saw it very clear. 

First what is value in our times? Values are a clear belief of good and evil. It means the person has a certain sets of beliefs about good and bad, right and wrong, and about many other aspects of living and interacting in the society with others. Values serve as a guiding force in life and provide a sense of direction to an individual in a society. There are times when there is a lot of confusion in the minds of people regarding an issue or a feeling. At times like these, clear cut values help an individual to come out of dilemma and move ahead in life. 

Everybody has some values in life and if you want to see them, look at yourself in a crisis. How you react, think and behave when you’re good world collapse and the pressure comes on you. Here comes the importance to build up strong values that brings you through a crisis, especially when temptations/heat/pressure coming to confuse you.  

In our days the people try always to make their cut. It’s called egoism; they do everything for themselves. They have values too, but its serves only for them. A man of clear & certain values lives not only for himself, but for others. 

People of success; can sometimes do everything to get the result (break the law, go over dead bodies, force others to act against their will). They can do everything to get the wished result and don't care what happen's around them or what consequences are coming next.

People of values; do it in the frame of their values. If its against their value, they don't do it. These people are very strong personalities and get what they want, maybe not now but in the future. Everybody trust people like that. 

In the Movie it was very extreme shown: If you interessted check out the movie and try to see who is the man of Value and who is the man of Success.

So let us become people of clear values, that protects our surrounding and helps the people around us to trust in us.

Greetz Viktorious

Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

Secret path to become Great

3-main principles to become a Legend.

You can put it practically in all areas of Life. 


1. Serve others. Make them big, give them something.
People who live for others or an idea that help others gonna be remembered. Julius Caser, Custer, David Beckham, Paul Newman, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin. Lenin, Che Guevara, Napoleon Bonaparte, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander the Great, Charlie Chaplin, Madonna, George Washington, Benjamin Franklyn, Edison, Henry Ford, Bruce Lee, Joan de arc, Gandhi, Mozart, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther, Einstein and Jesus Christ.

The List is much longer, but each of these individuals brought something special to mankind. It doesn’t matter if it was evil or good; in this case counts what they did and how they lived their life.  
For example; did you hear sometimes the words, I live for my family? I heard it a lot, but can you remember your Parents from the 4th Generation? If not, here’s the proof they lived not for the family, but only for their satisfaction.  

Egoism is our biggest enemy. So think what does Mc Donald’s, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple? They share and serve others through their products or opportunities. 

2. Relationships. The ability to build relationships.
Anybody can press someone down and give him the feeling he’s a loser. That destroys people and your relationships with them. Everyone has to be treated like a king.

Remember for yourself; in which Hotel/country/family you wane come back when you leave, to a place where the people treat you like a king, care about you or to a place where they openly don’t care about you and act like your nothing?

Other example: What do great Stars/Politician/Revolutionaries? They give the people around them the feeling of being great, when they talk to someone, the lift them up.  

Here lies the secret. Honor the people, give them the feeling of importance and make them to great kings. That’s what someone does who serves others and he gets his reward.

Do not surround yourself with people you like, surround yourself with people who change you. That helps to grow. 

3. Responsibility. Take influence of everything around yourself.
Take the initiative/action and bring a solution to problems for mankind. Such personalities like in the picture toke responsibility not only for themselves, but for anything around them.  That means their always the active ones, never passive or behind someone hiding. They had something they brought to all of us/their environment and that’s why we remember them for something good or evil. 

Great Personalities never destroy things and do not let someone else destroy in their presence. They build it up and never let someone in their presence destroy something.
Building it’s much harder than destroying.

Wish you all a great and blessed path to become an influential Leader who takes responsibility for himself and others and blocks out egoism. 

Greetz from Viktorious

Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013

7 steps to grow personally

Seven Steps for highly effective People, if you want to get successful. 

I’m gonna do it every day, from Monday till Saturday. I know in the beginning it can be hard, but i know i got used to it after a short period of time.
1.   Get every Day 1 hour earlier up than normally. Read a positive/motivating book (The magic of thinking big) and do your Affirmation.

2.      Write every Day your goals on a letter as if you achieved it already. Every dream/goal as if you have achieved it in your life.

3.    Before you go to bed, plan your tomorrow day. What you do and which time you do it tomorrow. 

4.    Order your day after priorities. Very important, Low important.  

5.    Make sure your plans have time for learning/growing. Listen motivating audiobooks or you have a break to think about your goals or you learn something new. 

6.    Analyze every evening, before you go to bed your gone day and write it down.  

7.   See in every person you met a millionaire and treat him that way.

That changes your life, if you do it every day.   

wish you great Day 
Greetz Viktorious