The thoughts that change your life.
question is; what is your first thought when you wake up in the morning? Ask it
yourself; what is the first thought that comes in mind, when i open my eyes?
That is a serious question.
That is a serious question.
The first
thought in the morning makes our day, makes our future.
Here are some
examples what we most think in the morning; how tired I am/ make plans for the
day (has to be done the day before)/ a huge problem arise in front of me again/ oh no, I have to do this and
that/ I want to eat/ what time is it/ oh no not so early/ night was to short/
my Head is cracking/ toilet/ I have to do that/ no i hate this day/ not again/ let me sleep.
The secret here is; how your thoughts start in the morning; so your day/life becomes.
The secret here is; how your thoughts start in the morning; so your day/life becomes.
Let us make
a test;
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next morning watch what comes on your mind when you get up, it can be something
from my list or you have something new and after that analyze how your day was.
- - The
second day when you wake up; thank God you heart is still beaten /think how
great this day is going to be/ how ready you are to win and smile for a second,
especially when you don’t feel to smile. In the evening analyze how your day
went. I discovered when I start my day with thanks to God, thanks for my
health, for a new day, for new opportunities, than I feel positive energy for the whole
day and my day is big fun.
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third day when you wake up, think the opposite to the second day and watch how
your day went. Here I discovered how the day past by and I was to slow to catch
it, too tired. The Day was brutal and I had great defeats.
The secret here is in the first thought of the day. The first thought build your day, it
makes your day. The first thought gives the direction for the day; it could be a
bright day or a hard cloudy day with many defeats. So watch carefully what you
think when you wake up, it becomes your energy for the day/ for your life and
your future depends on it.
If you know
this secret and live by it. You gonna see how your life is going to change. We all know; as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. And so his life is gonna be.
I wish all
of you readers a great weak up in the morning, great sunshine thoughts and many blessings